Margaret would often leave flowers at her husband’s grave, but one day, she discovered they had been discarded. This happened again several times until she decided to confront the person responsible and was surprised when she learned why.

Margaret’s husband, George, died in a car accident. Even though it had been months, she still continued to mourn greatly for him because he swore he would love her forever and never leave.

George loved talking about Margaret to his peers and never spoke about himself. In fact, he barely said anything about his past to Margaret, thinking it wasn’t relevant to their relationship.

On random days, he’d buy white roses and lilies and give them to her once he got home from work. When he died, Margaret knew it was only right for her to bring him the same flowers at his grave every time she visited. To her, this was the symbol of their eternal love.

One day, Margaret went to the cemetery and noticed the flowers she left previously had been trampled on and discarded. Upset, she purchased another bouquet and came back the next day to see whether or not it’d end up the same way.

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